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If you're not familiar, ZMK is a wireless-focused firmware, and it powers our Lily58 Wireless. While it doesn't have a VIA alternative yet, it does allow you to build firmware in the cloud.

Test Files

If you want to test out the Lily58 firmware on your keyboard, you can use our test files. These are pre-compiled but are not guaranteed to have the most up-to-date version of ZMK. Check how to install these files in the "Installing Firmware" section at the bottom of this page

⬅️ Left Half➡️ Right Half
🚫 nice!viewDownloadDownload

Default Keymap


Generated with @caksoylar's amazing keymap drawer.

Building Your Own Firmware

With the nature of a small keyboard like the Lily58, you're likely interested in making a custom keymap for it.

We've created ZMK config repositories for the Lily58 Wireless for you to use as a template for yourself. If you'd like to set it up manually, follow the ZMK documentation.

🚫 nice!view✅ nice!view

After using the template in the top right corner, your firmware will now be built by GitHub Actions.

Now you can edit the lily58.keymap file to your liking. You can find this file in the config folder. For documentation on customizing your keymap, check out the ZMK documentation. Alternatively, use the visual online keymap editor by Nick Coutsos, which makes things really easy!

After adjusting the keymap and saving your changes in GitHub, a new firmware file will be built. You can find the firmware files in the Actions tab. Click the latest workflow and then click the firmware artifact under the Artifacts section at the bottom. A zip file with the firmware will be downloaded.

Now you can update your nice!nano with the new firmware.

Installing Firmware

Installing firmware on the nice!nano is easy.

  1. Plug in your nice!nano to your computer.
  2. Enter the bootloader by double-tapping the reset button.
    (You can skip this if you haven't flashed the nice!nano before)
  3. Drag and drop the .uf2 file onto the NICENANO drive or copy it with your terminal.
  4. After flashing is complete, the drive will disappear and the nice!nano will reboot.
    Your computer may report an error when transferring the file, you can likely ignore this.1
  5. If you haven't yet, you can turn the power switch on by pushing it up on the side of the keyboard.


You've successfully finished building your Wireless Lily58 keyboard! 🎉

If you're running into any issues, check out our Troubleshooting page for common issues and solutions. If you're still having trouble, please reach out to use on Discord!

  1. There is a known issue with transferring using Finder on macOS version 13.0. Upgrade to 13.1 to fix this issue.